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Observatory > ESOP XXXVII > Registration

Rokycany & Plzen Observatory
Rokycany & Plzen Observatory

Pilsen Region
Pilsen Region

Town Rokycany
Town Rokycany

Occultation & Astrometry Section of Czech Astronomical Society
Occultation & Astrometry Section of Czech Astronomical Society

Symposium Registration Form

Please note that every person fills Registration Form, that means accompanying person should register separately. You can use 'Special requests for accommodation' to inform us to share room with 'somebody'.

(We are going to use these information just for purpose of this symposium.)
First Name*: Last Name*: 
Post address: 
Organization: Country:
E-mail*: Phone number:

Lecture / Contribution
with Topics:
I will need for lecture (except computer and dataprojector):
I expect duration of lecture (standard: 10 min + 10 min discussion):
Annotation of lecture (about 5-6 sentences, if you need more, let us know and send e-mail):

(payment in CZK on hotel reception by cash or bank card)
I ask for reservation of:
Room: Nights:

Special requests for accommodation (share room with, ...):

(part of symposium fee)
Special requests for food (dieting, vegetarian, alergy...):

Symposium Fees
(payment by transfer to bank account)
Fee (please select):Members of IOTA and IOTA/ES (70 EUR)
Non member (80 EUR)
Accompanying person (35 EUR)

(payment by transfer to bank account)
I will attend: (0 EUR)
(0 EUR)
(50 EUR)
(40 EUR)

I will send Payment to bank account of organizer no later than 1st July 2018.

Registration is finished, conference is over.

Rokycany & Plzen Observatory -